[freshports-cvs-all] CVS update: scripts

Dan Langille dan at xeon.unixathome.org
Fri Jun 30 04:46:53 PDT 2006

Date:	Friday June 30, 2006 @ 7:46
Author:	root

Update of /home/repositories/freshports-1/scripts
In directory xeon.unixathome.org:/tmp/cvs-serv62533

Modified Files:
      Tag: FreshPorts2
Log Message:
- Tell observers about UpdateBegins and UpdateEnds
- Take note of the return value from FetchAllFiles
  and do not refresh ports if it fails.
- Event if there was a fetch problem, tell the observers
  that refresh has been completed, so they make take action
  (in this case, they mark ports as vulnerable)

File: no file xml_munge.pm		Status: Needs Checkout

   Working revision:	Fri Jun 30 11:46:53 2006
   Repository revision:	/home/repositories/freshports-1/scripts/Attic/xml_munge.pm,v
   Sticky Tag:		FreshPorts2 (branch: 1.1.2)

   Existing Tags:
	FreshPorts-VuXML         	(revision:
	FreshPorts2              	(branch: 1.1.2)

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